To schedule an appointments click here
Appointments are currently offered via tele-consultation.
We also propose at-home appointments for client residing in Miami, Delray, West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Boca Raton and NYC. If you want to book an at-home appointment please contact us via email with your name, address and a phone number where we can reach you to complete the request.
If you experience any emergency please dial 911 or your national emergency number, and go to the nearest hospital.
Photo by Diana Polekhina
New Clients - Via Zoom
Duration: 1-1.5 hours
The first consultation with your practitioner focuses on precise details of your current illness, but also consider other aspects of your health including your past medical history, diet, lifestyle and personality.
Please allow between an hour to an hour and half for first appointment.
Existing Clients Via Zoom
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Follow ups are usually 4 weeks apart. As you start to feel better your practitioner may decide to increase the intervals between follow up sessions.
If your previous consultation is more than 1 year ago, we recommend you request another family history form to include any new information that may apply.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska
Zoom Sessions
Duration: 45 minutes - 1 hour
We offer Face-Time, Skype, Zoom or Phone call meetings if you are not able to travel to our clinic.
You will receive your remedies in mail a few days following your appointment. Distance sessions are a great way to have access to your practitioner for both constitutional services and acute situations.
What about seeing my doctor during my protocol?
You must continue maintaining your sessions with your GP or MD and specialist. When necessary homeopathic and naturopathy and conventional approaches can be used alongside one another to give the most appropriate medical care.
Some people choose homeopathy and alternative medicine because they are unhappy with side effects from their current conventional medication. However, you should continue with any conventional medical treatment that may have already been prescribed as it can be dangerous to stop this suddenly. Any change in use of conventional medication should be discussed with both the prescribing doctor and your homeopath as treatment progresses.
If at any stage of your treatment you are concerned about changes in your symptoms, you should contact your homeopath and your medical practitioner immediately.