BioVitality Support for Eczema
/IMAGE by Aiony Haust
What is Eczema?
Eczema is an inflammatory condition of the skin that is very common. As an inflammatory skin disorder caused by an overactive immune system, Eczema is often itchy and uncomfortable to the patient. In addition, patients with bad Eczema often get infections from scratching. Unfortunately, some practitioners or dermatologists will prescribe steroids or modulating creams to treat bad Eczema, but this is a temporary relief; it does not manage the root cause of this skin disorder. In addition, studies have shown that the appearance of Eczema is closely related to our gut health, which means diet and what we eat could increase the chance of developing Eczema either in childhood or adulthood and triggering flare-ups.
Facts about Steriods
Many side effects come with Steroid use
Steroids only suppress the condition and don't cure it
Steroids make the skin thinner
Steroids can cause pigmentation on the skin
Often patients who have been on steroids for a long time get a rebound of Eczema when they stop using steroid creams, and it often becomes harder to treat
How Does Homeopathy Help Support Eczema?
Eczema is a complex condition. First, to treat predominantly adult Eczema where there has been significant suppression through steroids creams for years. Secondly, eczema cases are challenging in managing patient's expectations as patients want to heal fast; the challenge is that healing takes time and healing is a process, and you cannot bypass that process.
Homeopathy is quite effective in treating Eczema. Combined with proper nutrition to help bring down inflammation in the body, it also helps put patients at more ease to deal with the emotional side of things. Some moms often ask how they can soothe the itching areas of their babies/child's Eczema. As there isn't much out on the market to relieve the itching, an excellent way to best manage the healing process is with homeopathic medicine supplements and nutrition.
However, here are some of BioVitality Clinic's top suggestions on constitutional remedies once per month.
Itch Relief: Place some Oregon Grape in your baby's bath to slightly help with the itch.
Nutrition: Cut out dairy that originates from Cows. There may be other food that creates inflammation. This test can give more insight into what other foods create inflammation
Gut Health is important: Find out what is taking place in your gut microbiome so you can support it accordingly.
Find The Right Supplements: Work with your practitioner on which supplements will work specifically for you and your body's needs.
Swap Your Usual soap out for an Oatmeal Bath: Oatmeal baths are very soothing. Oatmeal naturally has soap substance and cleansing properties, so we recommend not using soap when you have oatmeal baths
Wearing cotton next to the skin
Cut your child's fingernails as low as you can to prevent them from badly scratching areas that flare up with Eczema.
Taking a good probiotic and following an anti-inflammation diet, and limiting cow milk products are also very important in Eczema treatments.
Important: Do not stop taking medications or steroids prescribed by your doctor unless advised by your doctor.